Sunday, November 22, 2015

Semicolon Project

"Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey.
They don't need to, it's not for them."
My instagram post (11/21/15)
"I realize that some people will be mad or disappointed that I got another tattoo. But this one has a lot of meaning to me. A semicolon is used when an author could have ended a sentence, but chose not to. This tattoo represents a life that could have ended, but didn't. Mine. I've struggled, and I've fought. Now I'm standing up for this cause."

The semicolon has become very popular within the past year or two. Everyone who self harms, is suicidal, depressed, has anxiety, is unhappy, struggles with an eating disorder, etc. is supposed to draw a semicolon on their wrist on April 16. This is called the semicolon project. By doing this, people will come to realize that they are not alone. This is not to make mental illnesses popular. They are not a fashion trend. They are a daily struggle for those who suffer with them.

I don't expect everyone to understand this. This tattoo is to remind me that I am a fighter, but it is to remind others that I will stand with them. I will hug every person that I see with this tattoo and let them know that they don't have to suffer alone. The world is a hard place to live in and life is tough, but so are you! I really believe that the semicolon project will make a difference in the world, whether you draw it on or make it permanent. Change a life. Make an impact. Share your story.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3

Friday, September 11, 2015


"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls;
the most massive characters are seared with scars."
-Kahlil Gibran

    It has been 14 months. I'm alive. I'm well. I'm stronger than ever. Suicide Awareness Day (Sept. 10) has a different meaning to me now than it did two years ago. I was always so cautious of those around me. I thought suicide was something you could see coming, but that is not always the case. Suicide isn't always scars and sadness. It is a silent cry for help in the night while you are alone so nobody can see your struggle. It's a bright smile on your face every single day so that nobody sees your pain. It's being a listening ear because you don't want anybody else feeling the way you secretly do. Sometimes suicide is an internal battle.

    Nobody saw my warning signs, and I didn't want them to. I wanted to slowly slip away for a while. A coma would have been perfect. I was lucky enough to survive and get help, most are not. Every year suicide rates get higher and higher. I wish I could tell parents to watch their children closely, but even doing that won't always make a difference. Not only is it time to be aware.. It is time to stand up and speak up. Our stories are helping others survive the horrible illnesses connecting to suicide. Depression. Anxiety. Bipolar. ADD. Eating Disorders. We don't get to choose what illnesses we have to fight through in this life, but we do get to choose whether or not we help others fight through theirs. I'm taking a stand and I'm fighting.

    My blog is not for sympathy. My blog is to inspire others to hold on to their precious life even when they think they don't have the strength or courage. I have always been a fighter, but last year I was weak and I didn't have somebody else to fight with me. It's okay to ask for help. ALWAYS remember that. I wish I would have. Please don't give up your fight. I understand how hard it is. Don't keep your battle on the inside. Let it out. Share your story, because it will strengthen both you and others. Suicide is not selfish. It's a last resort after crying out for help for too long. Please don't use your last resort. Find a saving grace.

Miss Katie Bug <3

  Dedicated to all of the amazing English teachers I had throughout school, because without you I wouldn't be here. Your classes were my escape. Writing is my escape. Reading is my escape. Thank you. You will never understand what a difference you made in my life.

Monday, April 20, 2015


"Words are a powerful thing. Use them for good. Use your words to love the people who need it most, and to comfort those who are hurting. Speak in a way that people will learn to love themselves. Never belittle. Be a teacher and a friend. It takes one word to break someone down and a million words to build them back up. Use your words wisely and carefully. One wrong word may change the course of a person's life. Choose to change a life for the better. Be the hero."
               -Katelyn Marie, 20 years old

We've all heard the saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I only wish that was the truth, but sadly, it's not. We live in a society where people (young and old) are committing and attempting suicide every day. Suicide takes almost five-thousand lives each year. And one of the causes is us, our words and our actions. We may see people getting bullied at school, or on the street; yet, we do nothing. Have you ever thought about how your own thoughts affect you? We tell ourselves day after day that "we aren't good enough", or "we're not pretty", or maybe we just don't feel like we belong. That's bullying.

One day, back in middle school, I was talking to a crying girl who hated everything about herself. She was one of the smartest girls I knew, and she didn't see the potential in her life. She couldn't see beyond her own flaws. I didn't know a thing about her home life, but I knew she was struggling there as well. I sat in math class with her every day for a week and I did what I could to build her up, because I saw the pain in her eyes. I saw that she needed a friend. Later that year, I learned that she was planning on killing herself that weekend. She was still around all through high school, and I never stopped being her friend. I don't know where she is now or what she is doing with her life, but I think of her occasionally to remind myself that words can be a lifesaver.

I've always been one to put myself down, but build up everyone around me. I can't stand to see people hurting, but I'm hurting myself every day without realizing it. Many of us are. This cycle has to change. We need to stand up for ourselves. We need to stand up for others. Use your words. Use positive words. Be an inspiration. Save a life. Pray for those who need extra strength and love. If you pay close enough attention, I promise you will see which people need your support. You'll be able to hear it in their words and see it in their eyes. Please don't overlook those around you. Pay attention, and share your story.

We are our own worst enemy. It may be easy for some of us to brush off what other people say, but do we really ever brush off our own words? Of course not, because we believe them. Watching what we say to ourselves is just as essential as watching what we say to others. WE can prevent suicide. WE can make a difference. WE can be a hero. Words can hurt, but they don't have to.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3