Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Choose Yourself

"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you
happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make
you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness
will not come to you. It can only come from you."
Who made you feel unworthy of being happy?
Who planted in your mind that you're unlovable?

They are wrong.

We are all born so tiny and innocent. We come into this world untouched, without ever knowing pain, unhappiness, or heartbreak. And eventually the world turns us into people we don't even recognize. It turns us against ourselves and each other. I think we're all just living the best we can, but we constantly search for affection and approval--which is just human nature. We come here with so much worth, but we tend to forget it along the way, and we seek it from others. So let me ask you a question..

What if the only approval you really need is your own? Honest answer: It is.

When we depend on the opinions of others, we lose our power. We lose the ability to see ourselves how God sees us. It makes it easier for us to forget how to be happy. We look for love because we want someone else to tell us how amazing and beautiful we are. We seem to stop believing all of the good qualities about ourselves, which means we need another person to believe them for us. But what happens when that person isn't in your life anymore? You fall apart. You blame everything on yourself and you let them hold power over you. 

"I'm not good enough for anybody." 
"I'm too fat, ugly, sensitive, annoying, etc."
"I'm broken."

You're none of these things. 

You're more than good enough. God made you, and I don't recall Him ever making a mistake. Maybe you don't look like that model in the magazine you are reading every day. You're not supposed to. Maybe you feel things so deeply that you cry more than the average person. That is okay. And you are never broken. It took me a long time to learn that one. Society uses that word too often. Broken minds, broken bones, broken hearts, broken homes, broken promises. No wonder we use it to describe ourselves too. Let me say it again though, you are not broken. You may be hurting, but you are alive and you're healing.

How would it feel to choose yourself? Stop caring what everybody else thinks, and learn to love every part of you. Start with the things you already know you like about yourself and go from there. It may only be 1 or 2 things for some of you. The more you focus on those little things, the more you'll start to see the big things. You can train your mind to see yourself differently, and when that happens, you'll be happier. You won't seek out happiness and love anymore because you'll have it inside you. So what if someone leaves your life? It's not your loss. So what if someone cancels plans or stands you up? Dress up and take yourself out--You deserve it. So what if the adversary, or satan, is against you every day? You don't have to fight him.. He already lost. 

It's you against you in this world. Choose to love yourself. Choose to be happy. Choose to depend on you. You'll win every time.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3

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