Thursday, November 10, 2016

All Fears Aside

Journal entry: October 23, 2016
"We're living in a world where women are shamed for everything they do, wrong or right. Where men are to be feared because far too many think that rape and sexual assault is a joke. Where children are living in fear of stepping foot outside of their homes. Cops are being killed left and right, only "black lives matter", the government is more corrupt than ever, and we are to just stand by and watch." -Katelyn Marie

Sometimes I get thoughts in my head that I have to write down because I know it will be for one of two things. Either I'll need to remember it to help me get through something, or I'll need to post it for other people to get through something. That journal entry may not help anything, but I feel like it needed to be said after watching the presidential race. Today, the nation woke up angry and in fear of what's to come. The world continues to get worse, but now is not the time to divide and fall apart. We knew this was coming. There would have been hurt feelings and upset people no matter who would have won. We spent so much time judging the candidates that we started judging each other. Where is the compassion and humility? We are all human, and we should all be in this together despite the outcome.

We have known no greater love and compassion than that of our Savior, especially during times of need. Every election was hard, not just this one. Both candidates had flaws and everyone chose who they thought would be best. Not just as a religion, but as a nation, we prayed. We prayed and prayed to make the right decision for this country and for our families. It really does not matter who won, because ultimately we know who is really in charge. Our Heavenly Father and our Savior have never given up on us, and they aren't going to now either. We must be supportive and show respect. All we can really do is continue on with our lives and hope for the best.

Elder Bruce D. Porter said, "We need not fear the future, nor falter in hope and good cheer, because God is with us... When our only desire is to please Him, we will be blessed with a deep inner peace."

How true that statement is. We knew this life would be hard, and we chose to come anyway. As the Last Days draw ever nearer, we must let go of fear and trust in the One who really matters. We must give our new president a chance and believe in him. We must love our neighbors and stand with them. White, Black, Hispanic, Muslim, Latino, man, woman, gay, straight, transgender. Our race, gender, and/or orientation shouldn't matter. We all just want to be accepted and loved. We don't have to stand by and watch. The little things really are the big things. If we each start by making a difference in our own lives and neighborhoods, just imagine the outcome. Thank you for reading my blog, and for never judging my opinion. I love you all and I wish the best to everyone and their families during this tough time.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3

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