Monday, February 1, 2016

"I have struggled to know how to comfort.."

   I started my day just like any other day. I woke up at 8 o'clock to go babysit. I was asked to babysit for an extra hour, and I gladly accepted. I later realized that God added that extra hour for a reason. Today, I drove a different route home than normal. While I was driving, I noticed a young homeless man with a sign. He was begging for food. Now, I've obviously never been homeless, but I've definitely had my own set of struggles. When I see someone trying to overcome or live through a struggle, it pulls at my heart strings. It always has.

   The moment I saw him, I knew what I needed to do. I immediately turned the corner and went through the Wendy's drive-thru. I wish I could describe the look on his face when I handed him that food. I looked at him and realized that he must've been around my age and I knew that he needed more than food. I wouldn't want to be outside alone on a cold, winter day in Idaho. He told me that he was headed to Wendy's to eat his food, so I headed into Walgreens. I bought him a hat, gloves, hand warmers, and chapstick. I only wish I could've done more. I met him at Wendy's, gave him his items, and sat down.

   Terry is 23 years old and has been homeless off and on for about 4 years. "It's hard to get a job with a felony charge", he said. We sat there for an hour. I learned his story and heard the struggle in his voice. Terry told me about his life and how he ended up where he is today. Even with everything he has been through, he had a happiness about him. He told me, "I do what I gotta do to survive, and things can only get better". Terry has lived under bridges, in abandoned buildings, and out in the cold. I so applaud him for being optimistic.

   I found out that he went to stand on that corner only ten minutes before I showed up. Had I left babysitting at my regular time, none of this would have happened. Had I taken my regular route, none of this would have happened. In my last post, I ended with "God does not do random". It's the truth. This proves it. God sets us on specific paths when he needs our helping hand. Today was out of my norm, but it wasn't by accident.

Love, MissKatieBug <3

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