Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Depression, Part 3: Recovery

"Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls you."

Journal entry: August 14, 2014
"I want to be happy. I want to feel peace. I want to be loved. I want to see a future. I want to be ME, which is not the girl sitting here writing this. The me that I used to be was positive and optimistic. She didn't let people tear her down. She saw a future for herself. That girl is gone. It's time to get her back."
               -Katelyn Marie, 19 years old

     Sometimes we have to face extremely hard trials in this life. Mine is depression, and a more recent struggle, anxiety. I will always have these two struggles in my life, but it's time to recover. I'm more than ready to kick depression in the butt. I'm done letting it control me. I finally realized that I can't overcome this by myself. To get out of BHC, it was a requirement to have a counseling appointment set up. I've now been going every couple weeks since then. My counselor taught me a meditation technique to help me calm down, and also sleep better. It really does work, and knocks me out fast! If anybody wants to know what it is, let me know. Message me through any social media, or comment. I can put it up as my next post if you'd like.

     You're probably wondering how I can just say I'm going to recover..but I have a plan. There is actually a lot you can do to stay positive and keep your mind off of things. When you're as depressed as I was, I realize that you don't feel like doing anything to make yourself happy. You just want to lay there and cry, or sleep. Am I right? Maybe you want to listen to depressing music, or cut, because you'd do anything to get rid of your pain. Believe me, I know what it feels like. So listen to me right now. DON'T FOCUS ON THE BAD! I know it's easy to do, and honestly, I know that you don't even want to try being happy when you are so sad. But you have to. You can't heal if you don't move on from all of the negative things attacking you. I'll write a list of things that I'm going to do to build myself up again, so join in. Do them with me!

  • Wake up at a decent time. I'm thinking around 8.
  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise in your day.
  • Eat healthy and drink lots of water.
  • Make a bucket list. Seriously. It gives you small goals to accomplish.
  • Listen to upbeat music.
  • Find a support group (if needed).
  • Go to a therapist/counselor.
  • Plan ahead, future wise. Do something with your life.
  • Get out of the house as much as possible.
  • Write lists!
    • What are you thankful for?
    • What makes you happy?
    • What qualities make you, you?
     I promise these things will make a difference in your life. Please do them! Thank you so much for reading my blog. I'll continue to post. Today is Suicide Awareness Day. Talk to someone. Don't give up the fight, because you are worth so much more. 

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1 (800)-273-Talk (8255)

Love, Miss KatieBug <3

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