Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Another Year Wiser?

"I love getting older. My understanding deepens.
I can see what connects. I can weave stories of 
experience and apply them. I can integrate the lessons.
Things simply become more and more fascinating.
Beauty reveals itself in thousands of forms."
-Victoria Erickson

I just turned another year older, but does that make me wiser as well? I'm 23 now and I'm not where I thought I would be, but I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I also think that I am more myself than I've ever been. I decided to write down the things I've learned this year, so here it goes. 22 things I learned in my 22nd year of life:

1. Makeup doesn't measure your worth or beauty. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin - you shouldn't have to use makeup as a security.

2. Everyone has a story and a past. Everyone acts the way they do for a reason. The best thing we can do is love people, for everything they are and everything they aren't.

3. Don't ever accept anything less than what you deserve. (I'm still trying to learn this one)

4. Singing does wonders for the soul. So sing your heart out. Sing in the shower. Sing in the car. Sing karaoke every chance you get.. even if you're terrible. Just sing.

5. You have to test your limits and take a step outside of your comfort zone once a week. How else will you know how brave you can be?

6. The best thing you can do for someone is lend a helping hand and/or a listening ear.

7. It's nearly impossible to be sad while eating ice cream. So eat ice cream every chance you get. Seriously. If you get fat, at least you'll be fat and happy, right?

8. It's okay to do something for yourself that nobody else understands.

9. We need to spend time with little kids. Children teach us much more about love and compassion than we'll ever be able to teach them.

10. Crying is okay, especially in front of someone else. It may be healing for both of you. 

11. Take the time to go on long night drives. They'll give you the best alone time that you never knew you needed.

12. You can still choose to be happy & positive even when everyone around you is crabby & negative. Sometimes it's hard, but it is possible.

13. Hug people until they let go first. They usually need that hug more than you think they do.

14. It is so important to spend time outside under the stars. They were created by the same God who created us.

15. You will only hurt yourself if you waste time hating someone. It is okay to take some time to hate what they did, but also forgive and don't let it define them.

16. Always have money set aside for vacations or spontaneous trips. Sometimes we need to take a break and explore.

17. Life isn't always fair, and it's not supposed to be. But just because it isn't fair, doesn't mean it's not a good life.

18. It's okay to be the only person who believes in the impossible.

19. Choose to spend time with the people who believe in you and who love the things you have a hard time liking about yourself.

20. Comparing yourself to others will either make you feel superior or inferior. Everyone was made to be equal.

21. There is more good than bad in the world, you just have to look for it.

22. Now is the best time to do something new. Later may not always be a possibility. 

I may not be who I thought I was going to be, but I like who I am and who I'm becoming. I'm so grateful that I survived another year, so I'll just keep living and learning as long as God allows me to.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3

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