Thursday, May 8, 2014

Growing Up.

Last weekend I watched three of my little sisters go to prom, and I realized something. Everybody grows up entirely too fast. It's crazy to me that I've been graduated for almost a year and my little sister, Morgan, graduates in two weeks. We have so much life ahead of us! We've only just begun. 

When you are in high school, it feels like forever. You just can't wait to get out and grow up. Then one day, it's happening. You're grown up and out on your own. You have so many decisions to make, by yourself. Life definitely isn't as easy as you thought it would be. Who knew you'd have so many responsibilities, right? There just comes a day when everybody has to grow up, and that's okay. It's how life works. So hold on to the younger years. Life happens in the blink of an eye. Never ever let your past drag you down. Live with no regrets, because that is one of the ways you will find so much happiness in life.

My advice for today:
  • Slow down, and enjoy life.
  • Cherish everything that comes your way.
  • Live in the moment.
Love, Miss KatieBug <3

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