Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Letter to All Women

"Women were made to be warriors, full of hope and love. We were made to overcome and fight our own battles with strength and dignity. We are here to lift each other 
up and brighten the days of those around us."
-Katelyn Marie, Age 22

To the girl who is feeling weak,
To the girl who is losing herself,
To the girl who is breaking down,
To the girl who is giving up,
You are enough. Always.

Maybe right about now you don't quite know who you are and middle school is a struggle. Friends are constantly turning their backs on you and you can barely make it through school each day without falling apart. I've been there, and I'm telling you that even the toughest day will only last 24 hours. Everyday is a new day and sometimes it's best to start over. You don't have to go back to that friend who hurt you so badly that you thought you would never recover. You can move on. Focus on yourself, and love yourself despite what they say to you. Besides, all of the other kids in middle school are just trying to figure out who they are too.

Maybe you're at home dealing with your first heartbreak, and you are all out of tears to cry. Honey, this probably won't be your last. It sucks, and I know that it feels like the end of the world. You gave him everything and you loved him with a love that you didn't even know existed. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50, heartbreak is heartbreak and it all hurts the same. Don't you dare let this break you, and do not let someone tell you that boys aren't worth your tears. Let it out and cry until your heart starts to mend itself. It's okay and things will start looking up eventually. Everyone heals at a different pace. So cry. Cry for a day or cry for a month, but don't lose yourself because you lost him.

Maybe you're a single or young mom and you're at your breaking point. Maybe you prayed for this baby forever, and now you are struggling with postpartum depression. Life was hard enough when you were just taking care of yourself, and now you have someone that depends on you to take care of and protect them. This was not meant to be easy, and maybe you didn't even choose this. Don't listen to the ones on the outside who are judging your every move. People will try to break you down, but it's your job to get back up. Get up for your children. Get up for yourself. Get up and love this beautiful mess you are living in, because you are stronger than you think you are. Children were made to love unconditionally, and they think you are amazing. You are amazing.

Maybe you are trying to live this life in the midst of crippling anxiety and depression and you're about to give up. Maybe you consider ending your life every day. I know what this is like, and I know that you're hurting. Sweetie, carving your skin won't take away the pain. You are beautiful, and you need to realize that. Please don't hide away from the world, somebody needs you, and it could be somebody that you haven't even met yet. You can overcome this, and trust me, I know it feels impossible right now. Never let someone tell you that you're just begging for attention, or that you're being pathetic. Your struggle does not define you. Mental illness exists, and just because you have to rely on medication to get out of bed in the morning does not mean you are weak.

We are women. We feel the pressures of the world every day and sometimes it feels like too much to bear. You've come this far, so please don't give up now. The world needs you. I need you. You are doing great, and you are alive. So continue to breathe and conquer each new day that comes along. Bad days are bound to happen. Good days are promised. You are, and always will be, enough.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3