Thursday, December 1, 2016

365 Days of Gratitude

"Our desire to serve others is magnified by our gratitude for 
what the Savior has done for us."
-Henry B. Eyring

Every year, when November hits, we all start to serve a little more. We all start to appreciate what we have and give to those who don't have as much. We start to see people differently and we understand that we are all the same, no matter where we are at in life or in this world. I never understood why we are not like this year-round, but I realized something this month. It all comes back to gratitude. We think too much of ourselves during the year, but we grow up learning that the holidays are a time to be grateful, so we finally turn away from ourselves. We turn to those who need us most.

I took more time to be grateful this year and find the opportunities to serve. Sometimes all someone needs is a listening ear, a small helping hand, or just a pick-me-up. As I made cookies for my neighbors, donated to shelters, bought food for the homeless, and helped the people of Rocky Point, Mexico, I learned something. The people who have less in this world, have so much more to be grateful for. Crazy how that works, right? They are humble, and they see every little thing as a blessing. This year I didn't do the gratitude challenge on facebook like everybody else. It is always the same. "I'm grateful for my family, my friends, the gospel, etc." And I am, but I'm grateful for so much more than that. I'm grateful for all of the little things that I can't even begin to explain or understand. Just because I'm not posting my blessings everywhere, doesn't mean I don't have them. They are all around me, and I'm learning to find them in every aspect of my life. I'm grateful for a lot more this year than I ever have been before.

Like loneliness, because without it, I would never feel the joy of being around people.

Heartbreak, because when I love someone with everything I have and they leave, it's not my loss--it's theirs. And someday, I'll find my perfect person.

Depression, because I've become more sensitive to how others are feeling and how to help them through something.

Sleepless nights, because sometimes I need that extra time to heal and learn about life.

Hunger pains, because there are people in the world who don't know when their next meal will be, and mine isn't far away.

Family, because even though my parents aren't together, I still have both parents, and not everybody can say that. I have double the parents, plus the greatest 13 siblings I could ever ask for, and I can't take that for granted.

Transportation, a place to live, clean water, electricity, a good job, medicine, hospitals (even the bills that come with it), friendships, my Savior and His atonement. I'm grateful for the little things and the big things, both good and bad. I'm grateful to be healthy and alive. I'm so grateful for the trials that were thrown my way this year, because without them, I wouldn't be who or where I am today. And today, I'm grateful for the person I've become.

Love, Miss KatieBug <3